First impression!

3 min read

Let’s face it, people judge you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you.

On many occasions, a lot of people I interact with are unaware of what my role as an image consultant is. As an image consultant, it brings me great pleasure when I help different individuals by enhancing their outlook thereby making them feel confident which in turn helps them perform better. In our line of profession, we specialize in enhancing your personal image, attitude, polished communication skills for effective delivery in both social and business settings in addition to the correct make-up, wardrobe and color scheming to mention but a few.

Hence we can simply say, our main task is to give advice to professionals from all fields guidelines on how to improve and maintain their image and well-being by way of conducting personal consultations, coaching, presentations, seminars and organizing workshops to individuals who feel the need to improve or maintain their makeover.

Whether or not people around you notice your makeover, your appearance and the way you present yourself is important since majority will always judge you based on the limited information they have about you coupled up with your outlook. As a result, when we observe a single physical characteristic or behaviour, we immediately assume that the individual may have various other characteristic linked to what we have already observed, hence the conclusion: credible image is vital.

Image consultants also work with strategic partners whom they can refer to their clients. This includes personal trainers, nutritionist, plastic surgeons, speech coaches et cetera.

John T. Molloy, who is believed to be Americas pioneer image consultant, in his 1975 best seller, Dress for Success, introduced to the public the idea that dressing professionally leads to greater success in the corporate world.

Today, image professionals in their role, are as important as interior designers are. And for this reason, anyone who wants to look their best and be appropriate will hire an image consultant. MKAZI

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